Electrical Engineering Department
Phil Faulk
Telephone: (928)645-2419
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Electrical Engineering Department provides support services for the day to day operations of the Electrical side of Page Utility Enterprises.
Those duties include but may not be limited to: electronic map keeping of as-built projects, surveying and GIS collection, line replacement estimating and design and budget projections for future projects.
Water Engineering Department
Matthew Wood
Telephone: (928)645-2419
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Water Departments provide services that include reviews of development plans, drafting and surveying of capital projects, testing supervision, site inspections, and contract management for the City.
The Water Departments also provides oversight and supervision of new construction within the City limits & works closely with the Public Works and Utility Departments.
Description Area Available / Date Due or Expired
Bid Document and Specification
Bid Document and Specification
Capital improvement Projects are an intricate part of the progression of replacing an aging utility system. As part of a continued effort to maintain and replace the said aging system, the engineering department works with staff to develop contract documents which include design drawings and specifications writing, Request for Proposals, and Project Coordination. Project coordination of in house projects as well as Project management for contracted projects is another duty of the Electrical Engineering Department. Capital improvement Projects are managed by the engineering department which include installation testing, supervision, site inspections, and contract management for the Utility.
The Electrical Engineering Department also provides oversight and supervision of new construction within its service boundary & works closely with the City of Page Public Works, City of Page Building Safety Department and the other City Utility Departments as well as Coconino County, National Park Service, Garkane Electric (Utah) and NTUA.
The Electrical side of Page Utility Enterprises has a rare opportunity to serve outlying areas surrounding the City of Page. Those areas included in our service district: Page, Az., Marble Canyon, Az., Greenehaven, Az., Lone Rock beach area via master meter located in Greenehaven, Az., Wahweap Marina and Antelope Point Marina (at the liberty of NTUA).